
A few days ago, as a gift life has given me, Claudette channeled with immense light, all the information arriving for me by reading my Akashic Records.
During the session in person, I felt peace, trust and closeness. She has the gift of transmitting energy of unconditional love…. And at the same time, everything she said echoed within my soul… And she provided me information of vital importance for me at that moment in my life.
Thank you so much Claudette and a big heartfelt hug.

During the answer of the last question, I started crying because I felt they were in my head and I could visualize those fears I had before and in that same moment. It was incredible and they were the most insightful reading ever given to me.
For sure I’ll keep on having consultations with you.
Thank you very much!!!

Meeting you and taking a course with you is actually getting Pranic energy.
You have the gift of loving unconditionally who is in front of you without even knowing that person and it can be felt.
Thank you for everything I’ve received.
I have left feeling full of your energy.
Thanks, thanks, thanks.

Today, 3 years after the reading, I’ve listened to it once again.
The messages have taken another meaning and that’s why I wrote to you, in order to tell you that the opening of records has no space nor time, and this message fills me and strengthens me to be able to go on.
Many thanks

The reading in person was impressive.
How is it possible Claudette knew I had a question in my mind which I didn’t dare to ask because of being embarrassed in front of someone who didn’t know me at all.
In the beginning of the reading I asked my questions but one I kept for me and the guides expressed to her it was important that before the session was closed, I should ask what I didn’t dare to ask.
I was so surprised I did it, and the answer was shocking.
A channeling as no other.
Thousand blessings, you truly have a gift.

I have learned as much as what you talk about, as what you transmit in presence.
You are light on Earth.
Thank you for existing.

Beautiful message!!!
Very illuminating as to the mission… And with everything else!!!
Many thanks God bless you.
Thanks, thanks, thanks!!!
An embrace of light

Dear Claudette, the reading is beautiful and it gets to ones soul. This therapy is so healing. I amply recommended it. Your voice audio is very sweet and pleasant.
I thank you infinitely and may the Universe return your generosity multiplied. Embrace of Light.

First of all, I thank you for your work and your dedication.
I made a connection right on the first prayer.
I felt protected when listening, through the voice of someone I don’t know, the blessing you sent me.
I felt exited when knowing the records were opened, I felt accompaniment, warmth, blessing.
As to the message, I understood many things which I intuitively had already known. I was able to understand how long a journey and how much validation I have endured.
A beautiful voice, understanding, and filled with acceptance; besides, I could feel within those verses a powerful message of accompaniment and respect for the process I’m going through.
Many thanks, I hope I can keep in contact with you, a big hug.